Web VB

Winsock API Winsock API Projects.

Winsock Control


ActiveX Controls



Web VB is all about things Visual Basic on the Web

Winsock API;
Winsock Control;
ActiveX Controls;

If you have a project that you would like to contribute, I would be glad to provide the space or a link to your sites project.

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Note:  All of the the information on this site is Copyright © 1999, Computer Services Contracting, unless otherwise noted and can be used freely for any non-commercial use as long as credit is given to Computer Services Contracting and/or the noted author, and is presented here for educational purposes only.  Contact Computer Services Contracting at for permission to use this information for commercial use.

I want to include a complete explanation, or at least as much as I understand on the site.  I would appreciate an help that anyone offers.   I am still working on the format of the site.  I would like to include all things for the Web using VB without any third party products, along with complete working source code. This would include things like Ping, Tracert, WhoIs, MAC address and CGI. I am not very good with fancy graphics creation, so the site will be plain unless I get some help.


Paul Coleman


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Last UpdateNovember 20, 2017 01:32 PM - Copyright © 1999, Computer Services Contracting, All Rights Reserved.