Attribute VB_Name = "modCallChain" Option Explicit '**************************************************************** '* This module can be used freely for any non-commercial use and '* is presented here for educational purposes only. '* Contact Computer Services Contracting at '* for permission to use this module or it's function for commercial '* use. '* '**************************************************************** Public CallChain As New Collection Private wTrace As Integer Private lIndent As Long Public Function fncAddProcedure(sName As String) As Long Dim lCount As Long If Trace Then Indent = Indent + 1: Debug.Print String(Indent, "+") & "Add- " & sName lCount = CallChain.Count + 1 CallChain.Add sName, CStr(lCount) fncAddProcedure = lCount End Function Public Sub subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain(lIndex As Long) Dim l As Long If lIndex > CallChain.Count Then Err.Raise 6 ' overflow If lIndex < 1 Then Err.Raise 6 ' overflow ' For l = lIndex To CallChain.Count For l = CallChain.Count To lIndex Step -1 If Trace Then Debug.Print String(Indent, "-") & "Remove- " & CallChain.Item(l) If Indent > 0 Then Indent = Indent - 1 End If End If CallChain.Remove (l) Next l End Sub Public Function fncGetCallChain(lIndex As Long) As String Dim sCallChain As String Dim l As Long If lIndex > CallChain.Count Then Err.Raise 6 ' overflow If lIndex < 1 Then Err.Raise 6 ' overflow sCallChain = "" For l = 1 To lIndex - 1 sCallChain = sCallChain & CStr(l) & ")." & CallChain.Item(l) & vbCrLf Next l sCallChain = sCallChain & CStr(lIndex) & ")." & CallChain.Item(lIndex) & " <=== Current Module " & vbCrLf If CallChain.Count > lIndex Then For l = lIndex + 1 To CallChain.Count sCallChain = sCallChain & CStr(l) & ")." & CallChain.Item(l) & vbCrLf Next l subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lIndex + 1) End If fncGetCallChain = sCallChain End Function Public Property Get Trace() As Integer If IsNull(wTrace) Then wTrace = False Trace = wTrace End Property Public Property Let Trace(ByVal iNewValue As Integer) wTrace = iNewValue End Property Public Property Get Indent() As Long If IsNull(lIndent) Then lIndent = 0 Indent = lIndent End Property Public Property Let Indent(ByVal lNewValue As Long) lIndent = lNewValue End Property