Attribute VB_Name = "modVariables" Option Explicit '**************************************************************** '* This module can be used freely for any non-commercial use and '* is presented here for educational purposes only. '* Contact Computer Services Contracting at '* for permission to use this module or it's function for commercial '* use. '* '**************************************************************** Private Const MODULE_NAME = "modUser" 'This module is base in part on information in Microsoft articles and some that I made myself 'HOWTO: Convert Between Signed and Unsigned Numbers 'Last reviewed: July 16, 1998 'Article ID: Q189323 'see 'and 'Tip 22: Converting DWords, Words, and Bytes 'Created: March 1, 1995 'see Private Const OFFSET_4 = 4294967296# Private Const MAXINT_4 = 2147483647 Private Const OFFSET_2 = 65536 Private Const MAXINT_2 = 32767 Function fncCDblTouLng(dValue As Double) As Long Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncCDblTouLng") 'Convert Double to Unsigned Long If dValue < 0 Or dValue >= OFFSET_4 Then Err.Raise 6 ' Overflow If dValue <= MAXINT_4 Then fncCDblTouLng = dValue Else fncCDblTouLng = dValue - OFFSET_4 End If subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Function fncCuLngToDbl(ulValue As Long) As Double Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncCuLngToDbl") 'Convert Unsigned Long to Double If ulValue < 0 Then fncCuLngToDbl = ulValue + OFFSET_4 Else fncCuLngToDbl = ulValue End If subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Function fncCLngTouInt(lValue As Long) As Integer Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncCLngTouInt") 'Convert Unsigned Integer to Long If lValue < 0 Or lValue >= OFFSET_2 Then Err.Raise 6 ' Overflow If lValue <= MAXINT_2 Then fncCLngTouInt = lValue Else fncCLngTouInt = lValue - OFFSET_2 End If subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Function fncCuIntToLng(uValue As Integer) As Long Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncCuIntToLng") 'Convert Long to Unsigned Integer If uValue < 0 Then fncCuIntToLng = uValue + OFFSET_2 Else fncCuIntToLng = uValue End If subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Function fncHiByte(ByVal wValue As Integer) As Byte Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncHiByte") If wValue And &H8000 Then fncHiByte = &H80 Or ((wValue And &H7FFF) \ &HFF) Else fncHiByte = wValue \ 256 End If subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Function fncHiWord(dwValue As Long) As Integer Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncHiWord") If dwValue And &H80000000 Then fncHiWord = (dwValue \ 65535) - 1 Else fncHiWord = dwValue \ 65535 End If subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Function fncLoByte(wValue As Integer) As Byte Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncLoByte") fncLoByte = wValue And &HFF subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Function fncLoWord(dwValue As Long) As Integer Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncLoWord") If dwValue And &H8000& Then fncLoWord = &H8000 Or (dwValue And &H7FFF&) Else fncLoWord = dwValue And &HFFFF& End If subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Function fncLShiftWord(ByVal wValue As Integer, ByVal n As Integer) As Integer Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncLShiftWord") Dim dw As Long dw = wValue * (2 ^ n) If dw And &H8000& Then fncLShiftWord = CInt(dw And &H7FFF&) Or &H8000 Else fncLShiftWord = dw And &HFFFF& End If subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Function fncRShiftWord(ByVal w As Integer, ByVal n As Integer) As Integer Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncRShiftWord") Dim dw As Long If n = 0 Then fncRShiftWord = w Else dw = w And &HFFFF& dw = dw \ (2 ^ n) fncRShiftWord = dw And &HFFFF& End If subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Function fncMakeWord(ByVal bHi As Byte, ByVal bLo As Byte) As Integer Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncMakeWord") If bHi And &H80 Then fncMakeWord = (((bHi And &H7F) * 256) + bLo) Or &H8000 Else fncMakeWord = (bHi * 256) + bLo End If subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Function fncMakeDWord(wHi As Integer, wLo As Integer) As Long Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncMakeDWord") If wHi And &H8000& Then fncMakeDWord = (((wHi And &H7FFF&) * 65536) Or (wLo And &HFFFF&)) Or &H80000000 Else fncMakeDWord = (wHi * 65535) + wLo End If subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Public Function fncTrimNulls(s As String) As String Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncTrimNulls") If InStr(s, Chr$(0)) > 0 Then fncTrimNulls = Left$(s, InStr(s, Chr$(0)) - 1) Else fncTrimNulls = s End If subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Public Property Get ModuleName() As String ModuleName = MODULE_NAME End Property