Attribute VB_Name = "ModWinSock" Option Explicit '**************************************************************** '* This module can be used freely for any non-commercial use and '* is presented here for educational purposes only. '* Contact Computer Services Contracting at '* for permission to use this module or it's function for commercial '* use. '* '**************************************************************** Private Const MODULE_NAME = "modWinSock" ' Propery Storage 'WSAData Private lMaxSockets As Long Private lMaxUdpDg As Long Private sVersion As String Private sHighVersion As String Private sDescription As String Private sSystemStatus As String Private sVendorInfo As String 'GetHostName Private sHostName As String 'GetHostByName Private sHostIP As String Private sSecondaryHostIPs As String Private sHostNameAliasList As String Private Const SOCKET_ERROR = -1 ' All Windows Sockets error constants are biased by WSABASEERR from the "normal" Global Const WSABASEERR% = 10000 Public Const WSAEINTR% = WSABASEERR + 4 Public Const WSAEFAULT% = WSABASEERR + 14 Public Const WSAEINVAL% = (WSABASEERR + 22) Public Const WSAEINPROGRESS% = WSABASEERR + 36 Public Const WSAENETDOWN% = WSABASEERR + 50 Public Const WSASYSNOTREADY% = WSABASEERR + 91 Public Const WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED% = WSABASEERR + 92 Public Const WSANOTINITIALIZED% = WSABASEERR + 93 Public Const WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND% = WSABASEERR + 1001 Public Const WSATRY_AGAIN% = WSABASEERR + 1002 Public Const WSANO_RECOVERY% = WSABASEERR + 1003 Public Const WSANO_DATA% = WSABASEERR + 1004 Private Type HOSTENT hName As Long hAliases As Long hAddrType As Integer hLength As Integer hAddrList As Long End Type Type WSADATA wVersion As Integer wHighVersion As Integer szDescription As String * 257 szSystemStatus As String * 129 iMaxSockets As Integer iMaxUdpDg As Integer lpVendorInfo As Long End Type Type Inet_Addr B1 As Byte B2 As Byte B3 As Byte B4 As Byte End Type Private Declare Function apiWSAGetLastError Lib "wsock32.dll" Alias "WSAGetLastError" () As Long Private Declare Function apiWSAStartup Lib "wsock32.dll" Alias "WSAStartup" (ByVal wVersionRequired As Integer, lpWSAData As WSADATA) As Long Private Declare Function apiWSACleanup Lib "wsock32.dll" Alias "WSACleanup" () As Long Private Declare Function apiGetHostName Lib "wsock32.dll" Alias "gethostname" (ByVal sHostName As String, ByVal whostlen As Integer) As Long Private Declare Function apiGetHostByName Lib "wsock32.dll" Alias "gethostbyname" (ByVal sHostName As String) As Long Private Declare Function apiGetHostByAddress Lib "wsock32.dll" Alias "gethostbyaddr" (ByVal lHostAddress As Long, ByVal wAddressLen As Integer, ByVal wAddressType As Integer) As Long Public Declare Sub apiRtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (hpvDest As Any, ByVal hpvSource As Long, ByVal cbCopy As Long) Private Declare Function apiLstrLen Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrlenA" (ByVal lpString As Any) As Long Private Declare Function apiLstrCpy Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcpyA" (ByVal lpString1 As Any, ByVal lpString2 As Any) As Long Public Function fncGetHostName() As String Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncGetHostName") Dim sHostName As String * 256 Dim lErr As Long Dim sMsg As String sHostName = String(Len(sHostName), &H0) If apiGetHostName(sHostName, Len(sHostName)) = SOCKET_ERROR Then lErr = apiWSAGetLastError() sMsg = fncGetWinSockErrorDescription(lErr) sMsg = "Error:" & vbCrLf & "Error Code: " & lErr & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & sMsg & vbCrLf Else sMsg = Trim$(fncTrimNulls(sHostName)) End If HostName = sMsg fncGetHostName = HostName subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Public Function fncGetHostByName(sHostName As String) As String Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncGetHostByName") Dim lHostEnt_addr As Long Dim lErr As Long Dim sMsg As String lHostEnt_addr = apiGetHostByName(sHostName) If lHostEnt_addr = 0 Then lErr = apiWSAGetLastError() sMsg = fncGetWinSockErrorDescription(lErr) HostIP = "Error Looking up Host by name" & vbCrLf & "Error Code: " & lErr & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & sMsg & vbCrLf Else Call subGetHostEntInfo(lHostEnt_addr) End If fncGetHostByName = HostIP subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Public Sub subWSAStartup(iVersion As Integer) Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-subWSAStartup") Dim lErr As Long Dim sMsg As String Dim WSAD As WSADATA Dim lReturn As Integer lReturn = apiWSAStartup(iVersion, WSAD) If lReturn <> 0 Then lErr = lReturn sMsg = fncGetWinSockErrorDescription(lErr) Err.Raise vbObjectError + lErr, "subWSAStartup", sMsg Else Version = CStr(WSAD.wVersion) sMsg = sMsg & "Version: " & Version & vbCrLf HighVersion = CStr(WSAD.wHighVersion) sMsg = sMsg & "HighVersion: " & HighVersion & vbCrLf Description = WSAD.szDescription sMsg = sMsg & "Description: " & Description & vbCrLf SystemStatus = WSAD.szSystemStatus sMsg = sMsg & "SystemStatus: " & SystemStatus & vbCrLf MaxSockets = fncCuIntToLng(WSAD.iMaxSockets) sMsg = sMsg & "MaxSockets: " & MaxSockets & vbCrLf MaxUdpDg = fncCuIntToLng(WSAD.iMaxUdpDg) sMsg = sMsg & "MaxUdpDg: " & MaxUdpDg & vbCrLf VendorInfo = CStr(WSAD.lpVendorInfo) sMsg = sMsg & "VendorInfo: " & VendorInfo & vbCrLf End If Debug.Print sMsg subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Sub Public Property Get MaxSockets() As Long MaxSockets = lMaxSockets End Property Public Property Let MaxSockets(ByVal lNewValue As Long) lMaxSockets = lNewValue End Property Public Property Get MaxUdpDg() As Long MaxUdpDg = lMaxUdpDg End Property Public Property Let MaxUdpDg(ByVal lNewValue As Long) lMaxUdpDg = lNewValue End Property Public Property Get Version() As String Version = sVersion End Property Public Property Let Version(ByVal sNewValue As String) Dim i As Integer i = CInt(sNewValue) sVersion = fncMakeVersion(i) End Property Public Property Get HighVersion() As String HighVersion = sHighVersion End Property Public Property Let HighVersion(ByVal sNewValue As String) Dim i As Integer i = CInt(sNewValue) sHighVersion = fncMakeVersion(i) End Property Public Property Get Description() As String Description = sDescription End Property Public Property Let Description(ByVal sNewValue As String) sDescription = Trim$(fncTrimNulls(sNewValue)) End Property Public Property Get SystemStatus() As String SystemStatus = sSystemStatus End Property Public Property Let SystemStatus(ByVal sNewValue As String) sSystemStatus = Trim$(fncTrimNulls(sNewValue)) End Property Public Property Get VendorInfo() As String VendorInfo = sVendorInfo End Property Public Property Let VendorInfo(ByVal sNewValue As String) Dim l As Long l = CLng(sNewValue) If l = 0 Then sVendorInfo = "None" Else sVendorInfo = String(200, Chr$(0)) Call apiRtlMoveMemory(sVendorInfo, l, Len(sVendorInfo)) sVendorInfo = Trim$(fncTrimNulls(sVendorInfo)) End If End Property Public Property Get HostName() As String HostName = sHostName End Property Public Property Let HostName(ByVal sNewValue As String) sHostName = sNewValue End Property Public Property Get HostIP() As String HostIP = sHostIP End Property Public Property Let HostIP(ByVal sNewValue As String) sHostIP = sNewValue End Property Public Property Get SecondaryHostIPs() As String SecondaryHostIPs = sSecondaryHostIPs End Property Public Property Let SecondaryHostIPs(ByVal sNewValue As String) If sNewValue = "" Then sNewValue = "None" sSecondaryHostIPs = sNewValue End Property Public Sub subWSACleanup() Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-subWSACleanup") Dim lReturn As Long lReturn = apiWSACleanup() subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Sub Public Property Get ModuleName() As String ModuleName = MODULE_NAME End Property Public Function fncMakeVersion(w As Integer) As String Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncMakeVersion") fncMakeVersion = fncHiByte(w) & "." & fncLoByte(w) subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Public Function fncGetWinSockErrorDescription(lErroCode As Long) Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncGetWinSockErrorDescription") Select Case lErroCode Case WSAEINTR fncGetWinSockErrorDescription = "The (blocking) call was canceled via WSACancelBlockingCall()." Case WSAEFAULT fncGetWinSockErrorDescription = "The namelen parameter is too small." Case WSANOTINITIALIZED fncGetWinSockErrorDescription = "A successful WSAStartup() must occur before using this API." Case WSAENETDOWN fncGetWinSockErrorDescription = "The Windows Sockets implementation has detected that the network subsystem has failed." Case WSAEINPROGRESS fncGetWinSockErrorDescription = "A blocking Windows Sockets operation is in progress." Case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND fncGetWinSockErrorDescription = "Authoritative Answer Host not found." Case WSATRY_AGAIN fncGetWinSockErrorDescription = "Non-Authoritative Host not found, or SERVERFAIL." Case WSANO_RECOVERY fncGetWinSockErrorDescription = "Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP." Case WSANO_DATA fncGetWinSockErrorDescription = "Valid name, no data record of requested type." Case WSAEINVAL fncGetWinSockErrorDescription = "The (blocking) call was canceled via WSACancelBlockingCall()." Case WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED fncGetWinSockErrorDescription = "The version of Windows Sockets API support requested is not provided by this particular Windows Sockets implementation." Case WSASYSNOTREADY fncGetWinSockErrorDescription = "The Windows Sockets version specified by the application is not supported by this DLL." Case Else fncGetWinSockErrorDescription = "Unknown" End Select subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Public Function fncIsIPAddress(sIPAddress As String) As Boolean Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncMakeVersion") Dim i As Integer Dim sChar As String Dim wDotCount As Integer fncIsIPAddress = True wDotCount = 0 For i = 1 To Len(sIPAddress) sChar = Mid$(sIPAddress, i, 1) If sChar <> "." Then If sChar < "0" Or sChar > "9" Then fncIsIPAddress = False End If Else wDotCount = wDotCount + 1 End If Next i If wDotCount <> 3 Then fncIsIPAddress = False subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Public Function fncGetHostByAddress(sHostAddress As String) As String Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncGetHostByAddress") Dim lHostAddress As Long Dim lHostEnt_addr As Long Dim lErr As Long Dim sMsg As String ' convert dotted address to network address lHostAddress = fncInet_Addr(sHostAddress) lHostEnt_addr = apiGetHostByAddress(VarPtr(lHostAddress), 4, 2) If lHostEnt_addr = 0 Then lErr = apiWSAGetLastError() sMsg = fncGetWinSockErrorDescription(lErr) HostName = "Error Looking up Host by address" & vbCrLf & "Error Code: " & lErr & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & sMsg & vbCrLf Else Call subGetHostEntInfo(lHostEnt_addr) End If fncGetHostByAddress = HostName subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Public Property Get HostNameAliasList() As String HostNameAliasList = sHostNameAliasList End Property Public Property Let HostNameAliasList(ByVal sNewValue As String) If sNewValue = "" Then sNewValue = "None" sHostNameAliasList = sNewValue End Property Public Function fncInet_Addr(sIPAddress As String) As Long 'convet dotted IP address to network address Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncMakeVersion") Dim wStart As Integer Dim wLength As Integer Dim IPAddr As Inet_Addr Dim lAddress As Long If fncIsIPAddress(sIPAddress) Then wStart = 1 wLength = InStr(wStart, sIPAddress, ".") - 1 IPAddr.B1 = CByte(Val(Mid$(sIPAddress, wStart, wLength))) wStart = wStart + wLength + 1 wLength = InStr(wStart, sIPAddress, ".") - wStart IPAddr.B2 = CByte(Mid$(sIPAddress, wStart, wLength)) wStart = wStart + wLength + 1 wLength = InStr(wStart, sIPAddress, ".") - wStart IPAddr.B3 = CByte(Mid$(sIPAddress, wStart, wLength)) wStart = wStart + wLength + 1 wLength = Len(sIPAddress) - wStart + 1 IPAddr.B4 = CByte(Mid$(sIPAddress, wStart, wLength)) Call apiRtlMoveMemory(lAddress, VarPtr(IPAddr), 4) Else lAddress = 0 End If fncInet_Addr = lAddress subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Public Function fncIPAddr_Ntoa(IPAddr As Inet_Addr) As String Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncGetHostByName") fncIPAddr_Ntoa = IPAddr.B1 & "." & IPAddr.B2 & "." & IPAddr.B3 & "." & IPAddr.B4 subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Public Function fncInet_Ntoa(lIP_Address As Long) As String Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-fncGetHostByName") Dim IPAddr As Inet_Addr Call apiRtlMoveMemory(IPAddr, VarPtr(lIP_Address), 4) fncInet_Ntoa = IPAddr.B1 & "." & IPAddr.B2 & "." & IPAddr.B3 & "." & IPAddr.B4 subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Function Public Sub subClearHostEntInfo() Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-subClearHostEntInfo") HostName = "" HostNameAliasList = "" HostIP = sHostIP SecondaryHostIPs = "" subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Sub Public Sub subGetHostEntInfo(lHostEnt_addr As Long) Dim lCallChain As Long lCallChain = fncAddProcedure(ModuleName & "-subGetHostEntInfo") Dim host As HOSTENT Dim sHostName As String Dim lpHostAliasList As Long Dim lHostAlias_addr As Long Dim sHostAliasList As String Dim sHostAlias As String Dim lpHostAddressList As Long Dim lHostIP_addr As Long Dim IPAddr As Inet_Addr Dim sHostIP As String Dim sIP_Address As String Call subClearHostEntInfo ' Get the Host Structure Call apiRtlMoveMemory(host, lHostEnt_addr, LenB(host)) ' Get the Host Name sHostName = String(apiLstrLen(host.hName) + 1, " ") Call apiLstrCpy(sHostName, host.hName) sHostName = fncTrimNulls(sHostName) ' Get the list of host alias names lpHostAliasList = host.hAliases Call apiRtlMoveMemory(lHostAlias_addr, lpHostAliasList, 4) sHostAliasList = "" Do While (lHostAlias_addr <> 0) sHostAlias = String(apiLstrLen(lHostAlias_addr) + 1, " ") Call apiLstrCpy(sHostAlias, lHostAlias_addr) sHostAlias = fncTrimNulls(sHostAlias) sHostAliasList = sHostAliasList & sHostAlias & vbCrLf lpHostAliasList = lpHostAliasList + LenB(lpHostAliasList) Call apiRtlMoveMemory(lHostAlias_addr, lpHostAliasList, 4) Loop ' Get the IP Address list lpHostAddressList = host.hAddrList Call apiRtlMoveMemory(lHostIP_addr, lpHostAddressList, 4) ' Get the Default IP Address Call apiRtlMoveMemory(IPAddr, lHostIP_addr, host.hLength) sHostIP = IPAddr.B1 & "." & IPAddr.B2 & "." & IPAddr.B3 & "." & IPAddr.B4 'get all of the IP address if machine is multi-homed lpHostAddressList = lpHostAddressList + LenB(lpHostAddressList) Call apiRtlMoveMemory(lHostIP_addr, lpHostAddressList, 4) sIP_Address = "" Do While (lHostIP_addr <> 0) Call apiRtlMoveMemory(IPAddr, lHostIP_addr, host.hLength) sIP_Address = sIP_Address & IPAddr.B1 & "." & IPAddr.B2 & "." & IPAddr.B3 & "." & IPAddr.B4 & vbCrLf lpHostAddressList = lpHostAddressList + LenB(lpHostAddressList) Call apiRtlMoveMemory(lHostIP_addr, lpHostAddressList, 4) Loop HostName = sHostName HostNameAliasList = sHostAliasList HostIP = sHostIP SecondaryHostIPs = sIP_Address subRemoveProcedureFromCallChain (lCallChain) End Sub